How To Get Rid Of Flies Outside Naturally


How To Get Rid Of Flies Outside Naturally

Flies are one of the most widely distributed insects in the world, but that does not mean that they are quite annoying for people and animals. Whether in your home or at your workplace, they are never welcome, especially since their presence is related to dirt and because the hum they emit is usually intense.

Do you need to get rid of them as soon as possible but without hurting them? Don't you know how to scare flies away? At Expert Animal we offer you several homemade ways to scare away flies without killing them.

Flies can become a real home problem. They hover around, perch on food, carry dirt on their paws and deposit it in the places they frequent, transmit disease, and can become a pest if you don't look for a way to drive them away.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many flies in your house? First of all, you need to know that they increase their activity during hot seasons, since the temperate climate is better for their development, so it is unusual to see them in winter. In addition, flies live where they find the means to do so, that is, in spaces where they find food in quantities and places to reproduce.

Due to these reasons, flies will invade your home if you are accustomed to leaving food on kitchen surfaces, you do not dispose of waste properly and you do not thoroughly clean your home regularly. There are also other reasons to have flies at home, such as living near garbage cans or keeping containers with water for a long time without worrying about them being tightly closed.

The combination of household factors and the weather can make your home a true fly paradise, so you need to know the following methods to drive them away.

How to chase flies away from my house?

When we talk about killing flies, we are not talking about killing them, as there are other ways to naturally chase flies away. In this sense, fly traps are not recommended, since apart from being cruel, since their method of operation is to deliberately attract these insects to eliminate them, they are unhygienic, since the place where you place them will end up full of flies dead.

For this reason, we want to offer you a different natural, friendly, and above all simple method to apply, which will be easy to get started with just a few ingredients that you will find in your home. If you want to know how to scare away flies without killing them, we offer you the following options.

To chase away mocha, keep it clean

The presence of flies is accentuated during the summer since the hot climate is conducive to the development of their life cycle. Because of this, during this time of year, it is important to take hygienic measures to avoid their presence and to chase away flies from the kitchen and from your home.

We recommend you:

Keep the surfaces where food is prepared clean, as the smell of residues attracts flies.
Take out the trash frequently, making sure the bags are properly closed.
Clean the urine and feces of animals living in the home as soon as possible, if any.
Use mosquito nets on the windows to prevent flies from entering your home.
Drain, remove or seal any can of standing water, as this environment is conducive to the reproduction of flies and mosquitoes.
It performs a deep cleaning of all the spaces of the house.
Repair any water leaks that exist in pipes, bathrooms, and other spaces, as humidity attracts flies.
As you can see, all these measures allow you to prevent flies from entering your house without causing damage and without having to kill them, since it is not necessary to go to this extreme to get rid of them. Anyway, we share more remedies that help scare away flies without killing them.

Garlic Wedges To Scare House Flies

The smell of garlic is very annoying for these insects, so using it is a good way to scare away flies from your kitchen. All you have to do is peel some teeth and place them in a place that flies frequently or near the window, their strong perfume will easily scare them away.

We also recommend crushing garlic and placing it in the rooms, if you find it unsightly to leave your teeth full, this way the aroma is released faster.

Aromatic Plants To Scare Flies From The Patio

It is very pleasant to have aromatic plants at home, as they provide a fresh and delicious atmosphere to the spaces. If you like these vegetable companions, they can become your allies in chasing away flies from the patio.

We recommend those with strong smells, such as basil, lavender, marigold, mint, rosemary, bay leaf, and elderberry. Make sure that it is a rooted plant, not just an arrangement or a few branches, since this way you can use this natural remedy for a long time. Place the pot with the selected plant in the spaces of the patio that the flies frequent and you will see how they move away from there quickly.

How To Chase Flies Away With Vinegar?

White vinegar and apple cider vinegar are common ingredients for making homemade fly traps, however, today we will teach you how to take advantage of the power these ingredients offer to scare away flies, but without the need to harm them.

The strong smell of these two kinds of vinegar is annoying for flies, so we recommend cleaning the surfaces of your home with this, that is, apply them on the marble of the kitchen, the floor, and the bathrooms as if it were a cleaner. Simple, right? With this, you can chase away the flies with vinegar.

Essential oils to scare away flies without killing them
Like aromatic plants, putting in certain strong-smelling essential oils can help you chase flies away from your home. Scents such as citronella, pepper, mint, lavender, and eucalyptus will serve you well.

How to chase away flies from your home with this method? Simply place oil burners with the essences in problem locations such as the kitchen, patio, and near windows. Don't have an oil burner? There are two options: impregnate a cotton ball in the oil and put it in an uncapped bottle. You must repeat the operation when the aroma has disappeared; The other way is to spray pieces of cloth with the oil of your choice and hang them in different areas of the home.

Cloves And Lemon To Chase Away Flies From The Kitchen

Cloves and lemon, two ingredients you use in your culinary preparations, can help you chase flies away from your kitchen and home. You only have to cut half a lemon and prick several cloves in it and place it in the places where the flies gather. This technique can be applied using as many lemons as necessary.

This same remedy is very effective to scare away fruit flies since you can put the lemon with the cloves in the fruit bowl without a problem.

Bags and hot water to prevent flies from entering the house
This home remedy is also very simple, you will only need plastic bags and hot water. You must fill the bags with water, being careful not to burn yourself, close them tightly and then hang them in the places where you consider convenient, the combination will chase away flies from your patio, your kitchen and your home in general.

If you have small children or very curious pets, this method may not be ideal for you, since there is a risk that they break the bag and get burned. Therefore, it is essential that you place them in places to which they do not have access.

With these simple tips on natural remedies, you will keep flies away from your home without hurting them. Now, if what you want to know is how to drive them away from your dog because they tend to bother them, then we explain it to you.

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