How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly


How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly

If you have problems with underarm spots and do not know how to deal with them, set of home remedies to whiten or lighten underarms in a short time.

The treatment in addition to removing stains will prevent them from appearing in the future. Using home remedies are very easy.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly With Baking Soda?

Pour 1 1/2 tablespoons of baking soda into a container, then add the juice of one lemon. Mix the ingredients until a paste is formed.

Let the paste sit for 10 minutes and apply to the black spots on the Underarms. Let the pasta rest in the Underarms for 30 minutes and wash them with warm water. Repeat the treatment every day until the armpits clear.

After this treatment, you should avoid deodorants that contain alcohol. And if you have sensitive skin, lower the amount of lemon juice.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil removes dead cells that create an underarm stain. Rub the oil gently on the Underarms
 and leave it for 25 minutes. Finally, wash off with lukewarm water. The treatment can be done 7 days a week, twice a day (morning and night).

How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly With Orange Peel

First, by drying the orange peel in the sun and when it is dry, grind it to a fine powder.

Soak the powder with a little milk and apply it to the underarm stains. Let it sit for 30 minutes and rinse with cold water. This treatment can be performed at night 4 times a week.

How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms Quickly With A Potato?

Get the white potato and cut it into slices, rub the slices under the Underarms for 3 minutes, leave it to act for 30 minutes, and rinse with warm water. The treatment can be done twice a week.

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