Watermelon Soap Tutorial | Watermelon DIY Soap Recipe


Watermelon Soap Tutorial | Watermelon DIY Soap Recipe

Recipes For Watermelon Soaps

To facilitate the purchase in granvelada we have prepared a kit with everything you need to make this soap. The kit box contains everything you need to make the soaps and to decorate them in a simple and fun way. You can make them as a gift at events or parties. You just need to add a little cellophane and some ribbons to make a bow.

Have fun with your family and follow the whole step to learn how to make watermelon soaps. To make these soaps so appetizing we have used glycerin-based soap in suspension.

The peculiarity that defines this glycerin-based soap in suspension is that it allows exfoliating particles, seeds or any product in this format to remain in suspension throughout the soap, preventing its weight from falling and remaining only in the base. It is a thick consistent soap.


Materials needed to make watermelon soap

Then we leave you all the necessary ingredients that we have used to make Watermelon Soaps.

1 kg of glycerin base soap in suspension
20 ml watermelon essence
5 g poppy seeds
20 ml watermelon red food coloring for glycerin soap
5 g non-migrating apple green soap color
20 ml white opaque dye for glycerin soap
20ml of release agent
Cylindrical molds in three different sizes: 8.5 x 15 cm / 7.5 x 15 cm / 6 x 15 cm

Tutorial To Make Watermelon Soaps

First, we will make the red part with seeds.

We cut into cubes, to make it easier to melt 300 grams of base soap and melt it in the microwave. We will avoid boiling to prevent the soap from sweating later.
Coat the inside of the 5 cm mold with a release agent. We will distribute it well through the mold without putting excess to avoid marks on the soap.
Add to the melted soap 3 drops of watermelon essence and 4 drops of the red glycerin soap coloring.
We stir well to distribute it throughout the soap.
Incorporate 5 grams of poppy seeds. Using suspended soap makes it easier for the seeds to be scattered throughout the soap and not accumulate at the base of the soap.
 Spray alcohol with soap
Pour a small amount into the base of the pan. Let dry 1 minute.
Introduce the rest of the mixture until it is full and leave to dry for 1 hour.
After this time we will remove the red soap from the mold, if it resists we can put the soap in the freezer for a while, thus facilitating the release.
Now we will make the white part of the watermelon soap.

Melt 300 grams of suspension base soap in the microwave, slowly and avoiding boiling.
Apply mold release agent to the 6 cm mold.
Place the red soap inside and center of the 6 cm mold.
Add 4 drops of white opaque and 3 of the essence to the melted soap
Put alcohol in the red soap and in the melted white, pour a little of the white to cover the base. Let dry 1 minute.
Apply more alcohol and the rest of the white soap. You let it dry for 2 hours to dry the soap well.
We unmold the soap. We already have 2 parts of our watermelon together, the red and the white.
Now we have the green part.

We melt 300 grams of base soap in suspension.
We add a mold release agent to the 8 cm mold. We place in white and red soap inside and in the center of the 8 cm mold.
We add the green pigment, 3 drops of essence, and powdered alcohol. If we want to take more advantage of the dye, we can dissolve it and crush it in an alcohol mortar to break the particle. In this way, we will need less coloring.
Spray with alcohol the white part that will be in contact with the melted green.
Pour a little at the base of the mold and leave 1 minute.
We finished pouring all the content and let it dry for 2 hours.
We unmold our soap in three colors. If it resists a little when unmolding you can, as we have said before, but it a little in the freezer or give it a few taps on the sides.
We cut our soap into round slices and these in half to get a slice of watermelon.

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