How To Make Aloe Vera Gel At Home


How To Make Aloe Vera Gel At Home

To make your own Aloe Vera gel, here is what you'll need:

Live Aloe Vera leaves

Airtight container

sharp knife

an immersion blender

A clean bowl to place your gel in.

How To Make Aloe Vera Gel At Home (STEP 1)

Use your knife to divide up your Aloe Vera leaves into pieces that are 6 to 8 inches long. Aloe leaves are massive, and trimming them down will make the recipe easier to manage afterward within the tutorial.

How To Make Aloe Vera Gel At Home (STEP 2)

Cut off the serrated fringe of the aloe, then cut your pieces into long strips.

How To Make Aloe Vera Gel At Home (STEP 3)

When the serrated edge is removed, you ought to be ready to see the aloe gel inside. Turn your knife on its side, and slide it under the gel to free it from the leaf. you'll get plenty of gel out, so confirm you flip each leaf over after you’ve done one side! once I did this reception, I felt just like the gel just kept coming. it had been insane!

How To Make Aloe Vera Gel At Home (STEP 4)

Place your gel into your immersion blender. Repeat these steps until all of your gel is within the blender.

How To Make Aloe Vera Gel At Home (STEP 5)

After all of your gel has been added to your blender, blend it until smooth The gel will appear frothy, and this is often normal. The forthwith dissipate after you've got stopped blending.

How To Make Aloe Vera Gel At Home (STEP 6)

Once the froth has gone down, place your gel in a clean, airtight container.

It should be mentioned that homemade aloe gel doesn’t keep also because the store-bought stuff does. Keep it within the refrigerator, and decide to use your aloe gel every week, or it'll go bad. Additionally, if you would like to stay the gel available for extended periods of your time, pour it into cube trays and store it within the freezer. Pop one out and rub on irritated skin whenever needed! You’ll wonder what you probably did before you made your own.

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