How To Get Rid of Facial Hair Naturally Permanently At Home - 5 Natural Mask


How To Get Rid of Facial Hair Naturally Permanently At Home - 5 Natural Mask

Tired of painful waxing, expensive lasers, and smelly creams to remove facial hair? These 5 natural masks will change your life.

We have to admit: there is nothing worse than unwanted facial hair. Has it happened to you that out of nowhere little hairs appear that you didn't have before? Do you try to remove them but you can't? It has happened to all of us. It can affect confidence in ourselves, making us feel bad about our own faces. But do you know why these hairs appear? The reasons may vary. Whether you are going through hormonal changes in your body, you have an irregular menstrual cycle, you are taking strong medicines, you are pregnant or you simply inherited it; Whatever the reason, the truth is that facial hair is terrible.

The good news is that you can make masks at home and with ingredients that you have in your kitchen to eliminate them once and for all. Check out these 5 options, choose the one you want, and say 'goodbye' to unwanted facial hair.

5 Natural Masks To Remove Facial Hair

1. Lemon Juice And Honey Mask

The sticky consistency of the skin will be what in this mask helps to eliminate unwanted facial hair. The mixture of lemon juice with honey has countless health benefits, but it will also be ideal for the skin of your face. The lemon juice will take care of cleaning the skin and exfoliating it, while the honey hydrates and removes impurities. The incredible thing about this mask is that both ingredients are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, which will leave your skin shiny and super healthy.


1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
4 tablespoons of honey


In a bowl, mix the lemon juice with the honey
When it is well mixed all, then apply it on your face
Let the mask rest for 15-20 minutes on your skin
With warm water and a cloth, remove the mask
Repeat 2-3 times per week for several months for favorable results

2. Orange And Lemon Mask

The orange, and especially the orange peel, is extremely beneficial for health, especially for the skin. Not for nothing many beauty products contain orange peel. In addition to deep cleaning the skin, the high content of vitamin C it contains helps to keep it young, healthy, and shiny. When mixed with the lemon peel, which also has vitamin C and many antioxidants, it forms an ideal mask to exfoliate and thus eliminate unwanted facial hair.


1 teaspoonful of orange peel powder
1 teaspoon lemon peel powder
1 teaspoon of ground almonds
1 teaspoon of oatmeal
1 teaspoon of rose water
2 teaspoons of olive oil


In a bowl, mix together the orange peel, lemon peel, oatmeal, and ground almonds.
Add the rose water and olive oil until turning the mixture into a paste
When it has a pasty consistency, apply the mask to your face
Leave the mask on for 5.8 minutes
With the tips of your fingers, make circular movements massaging your skin for 5-10 minutes
At the end of the 10 minutes, rinse with water
Repeat 2-3 times per week for best results

3. Green Soybean Powder Mask And Rose Water

Green soybean is a plant that has very small round legumes that we also know as Chinese beans. This legume is one of the legumes with the highest protein content and this, among other things, makes it an ideal food. When mixed with rose water, it becomes a natural exfoliant, which is what will naturally remove unwanted hair. In addition, it is an excellent option to cleanse your skin, especially if you have sensitive and rash-prone skin.


2 tablespoons green soybean powder
1 1/2 tablespoons of rose water
1 tablespoon of lemon


In a bowl, mix the green soy powder with the rose water
Add the lemon
Mix to a pasty consistency
Apply to your entire face
When the pasta is dry, remove the pasta trying to do it in the opposite direction to how the hair grows
Repeat every other day to remove facial hair and have shiny skin.

4. Oatmeal Mask

By definition, oatmeal has a grainy texture that makes it an ideal food for making masks and exfoliating the skin. Through the exfoliation, this mask will help remove unwanted facial hair. A few drops of lemon are also added to hydrate the skin. In addition, oats contain antioxidants that protect the skin from UV rays.


1 teaspoon of ground oats
1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon of honey


Add the oatmeal, lemon juice, and honey to a bowl
Mix them to a pasty consistency
Apply the Oatmeal mask on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes
After 20 minutes, make circular movements on your skin with your fingertips, massaging your skin in the opposite direction of facial hair growth for 5 minutes
Rinse with lukewarm water
Repeat 2-3 times a week until all facial hair is removed

5. Gelatin Mask

 You may have already heard of the wonders of gelatin and what it can do to your skin. Also, we want you to know that it is an excellent remedy to get rid of unwanted facial hair. Gelatin helps strengthen the skin thanks to its high collagen content, helps to reduce wrinkles and expression lines, and contains many vitamins and minerals essential for the skin. Best of all, you surely have jelly in your house and you can make this mask immediately.


1 tablespoon of unflavored gelatin
2-3 tablespoons of milk
3-4 drops of lemon juice or essential oils


Add all the ingredients to a small bowl
Mix it very well
Microwave the mixture for 15-20 minutes
At the end of 20 minutes, apply the mask to your face
* Apply the mask in the areas where you have unwanted facial hair as the mask adheres quickly
Wait 5 minutes (or until the mask is dry) and remove it from your face
You will notice that the unwanted facial hair will have disappeared along with some black spots

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