How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores – 5 Home Remedies


How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores – 5 Home Remedies

It is one of the most common infections caused by a virus. Cold sores, also known as "fever", affect areas near the lips and nose. Although it usually heals on its own, it can be treated with natural oils or ingredients such as garlic to shorten the duration of symptoms.

Although the first contagion of cold sores occurs during childhood, it must be borne in mind that there are other risk factors such as hormonal changes, severe exposure to the sun, fever, and even stress.

There is no cure for this cold sore condition, so once you have caught it all you can do is deal with its symptoms to cope with it as best you can. This herpes usually goes through several stages, the first begins with a tingling or itching or even burning in the area a day before the blister comes out. Small blisters filled with fluid will come out in the affected area. Finally, these blisters will explode and suppurate and then later form a small crust. Antiviral medication can help this cold sore heal faster.

Although, after its appearance, it is common to have symptoms for a couple of weeks, you can reduce the burning sensation, inflammation, and tingle with a couple of home remedies that we tell you below.


Garlic is another perfect natural ingredient to treat the herpes virus because it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce lip swelling and pain that cause this condition. Plus, it has antiviral benefits that keep the virus from moving forward.

To use it, you only have to cut a tooth in half and rub on the ampule for 1 minute. Then discard the garlic and repeat the procedure with a new clove. It can also be crushed, like a paste, and left to work. Apply this treatment as many times as you like, until you notice improvement.


Aloe Vera gel has many soothing properties for the skin. So it helps to dry and heal the herpes wound. You just have to blend with a little water, until you get a mixture with a creamy texture. Then apply on the ampule and leave it to act for a couple of minutes.

Another alternative is to mix aloe Vera with tomatoes. Together these ingredients help heal and soothe the discomfort of the herpes virus. Both procedures can be repeated twice a day until herpes heals completely.


Salt is one of the most widely used home remedies to cure cold sores due to its healing power. To make use of this, you only have to put a tablespoon on the affected area for two minutes. Then, with a cotton ball dipped in hot water, press the lips and clean the area.

Although this alternative tends to burn a lot, it is a very effective solution. This procedure can be repeated up to 3 times a day until you notice improvement.


It is a perfect antiseptic and disinfectant fruit to treat herpes. To take advantage of it, it will only be necessary to cut half a lemon and squeeze its juice. Then, with a dropper or cotton ball, apply a couple of drops to the affected area several times a day.


Black tea contains a substance that helps reduce pain and heal the blister of the herpes virus. In addition, it also has antibacterial properties that make it a great ally for the elimination of this condition.

To use, just boil the water and place the black tea bag as if you were going to prepare the drink. Then, before it cools down, squeeze a little to remove the excess liquid and place it on the ampule directly, rub a few minutes, and repeat this procedure twice a day.

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