How To Get Rid Of Blackheads At Home Fast - 7 Home Remedies

 How To Get Rid Of Blackheads At Home Fast - 7 Home Remedies

Blackheads are a very common unsightly problem that appears especially in areas such as the face or nose, and even if they are removed they easily reappear.

But can blackheads be removed permanently? There are ways to remove them without damaging the skin, but to prevent their reappearance you need to maintain a cleaning routine on a regular basis.

In this article, we explain why they appear and we explain 8 ways to keep pores clean and eliminate blackheads.

I personally tested 8 kinds of magic recipes for removing blackheads at home, and it is actually the most effective dental floss stick!

Blackheads can be said to be the goal of many of Guliang’s lifelong struggles. Many legendary methods to remove blackheads have been tried, and a lot of money has been lost in the great cause of removing blackheads, but it still stands tall and grows every day. ! But Zoya tested the following 8 ways to remove blackheads at home and found that it turns out that dental floss sticks are very effective for removing blackheads!

Baby Oil to blackhead

Tips: After cleansing, massage the nose with Baby Oil, and then wash it off after 45 minutes of massage. After that, use lotion to shrink pores.
For a while, it was very popular to use Baby Oil to remove blackheads, and many foreign bloggers have tried it! Although I was very suspicious of its effect at the time, wouldn't it mean that the more you use it, the bigger your pores will become?

But I felt that I couldn't go out, so I followed suit! As a result, after 45 minutes of massage, I basically didn't feel the great effect. I don't know if it is a problem with my skin quality!

Egg white to blackhead

Tips: First prepare a thin cotton pad, you can also use a tissue or mask paper instead, apply egg white on the nose, then apply a cotton pad, and then apply a layer of egg white, repeat 3-4 times, wait until the cotton pad After it's dry, just tear it off.

This method of removing blackheads was popular from abroad and has been popular for a long time! Zoya also took advantage of the heat at the time to give it a try.
It may be that the egg white is too mild. After applying it, wash it off and found that there are still a small number of blackheads left on the nose, which is not as effective as online transmission!

Salt + milk to remove blackheads

Tips: Stir 4~5 drops of milk with small salt. When the salt is in a half-melted state, you can apply it to the nose, then gently massage for about 30 seconds and then wash it off.

I have always heard that salt has many effects. Later, I heard that it helps to promote skin's clean oil secretion while removing blackheads, so I couldn't help trying. The whole process feels like using a scrub, which is more suitable for thicker cuticles; the final effect is not bad, and some blackheads can be removed on the surface.

Cleansing mask to remove blackheads

Tips: Choose a cleansing mud mask and apply it to the blackheads.

Everyone should do the cleansing mask. No matter which brands of cleansing mask, contains activated carbon and other ingredients, which has a suction function; it can suck the dirt in the pores out of the skin surface and clean the pores.

Due to its low irritation, although it will not easily expand the pores, it cannot completely remove the blackheads in one go, so the effect is slower than other methods. But long-term use, blackheads will be improved.

Pearl powder to blackhead

Tips: Mix the pearl powder with water until it is creamy, and then evenly apply it to the blackhead and gently massage it until the pearl powder is dry and wash off twice a week.

The practical methods of using pearl powder to remove blackheads and whitening with pearl powder are the same; because applying pearl powder to the face has the effect of removing blackheads, so the blackheads will naturally disappear a lot!

In addition, if high-quality pearl powder can be applied externally and internally at the same time, the blackheads and whitening effects will be more obvious!

Toothpaste to blackhead

Tips: Spread the toothpaste evenly on the nose, wait for about 10 minutes, and then wash it off with water. Do it about once a week. It should not be too frequent to prevent irritation of the pores.

You must have heard of this method before, maybe there are many children's shoes tried! Zoya also consulted a dermatologist about this, because toothpaste itself has cleansing and sterilizing effects, it has a little effect on removing dirt and acne from pores.

Zoya applied toothpaste on the nose, which felt very comfortable and cool. After washing off, the nose became obviously dry and the oil was gone, but the maintenance time was short. If you don’t pay attention to cleaning and maintenance, blackheads will slowly appear. !

Toothpaste can be applied directly to the nose, and the effect will be better after adding baking soda!

Toothpaste + baking soda to remove blackheads

Tips: After cleaning the nose, add a spoonful of baking soda powder in pure water, then add an appropriate amount of toothpaste and stir, mix and apply on the nose; gently massage the nose with a toothbrush or a washing brush. After a few massages, wash the nose clean, and then gently press the nose with your hands to force out blackheads.

Blackhead stickers to Zemove blackheads

Tips: Apply the blackhead soft film directly or use the export liquid to wet the blackhead first, then use the blackhead paste to tear out the blackhead, and then use the firming liquid to shrink the pores.

There are basically two common blackhead stickers, one is a soft film that can dissolve blackheads; the other is a trilogy blackhead sticker, which can tear off the blackheads at once, and the effect is immediate!

However, due to the different degrees of the stubbornness of blackheads, you first need to make a choice when using it! Deep stubborn blackheads may need pore cleansing nose patch to stick stubborn blackheads away, but long-term use will enlarge pores. People with sensitive skin are more suitable to use the blackhead cleansing soft film, and it will have obvious results if you continue to use it for a week.

What are Blackheads?

Blackheads are dark-colored pores that can appear on our skin, especially in areas of the face such as the nose and surroundings, and that we have all been able to have at some time.

They are known as open come done since they are open pores that are clogged by the accumulation of impurities, excess sebum, and dead cells. They usually appear in areas of the face where more excess fat is produced, such as the nose, forehead, or chin; but they can also appear on other parts of the body such as the neck, shoulders, or arms.

The sebum or impurities are trapped in the pore-forming a plug and preventing the pore from closing. Accumulated substances such as sebum are exposed to the air, which ends up oxidizing them and giving them a dark color, hence they are seen as black dots.

Although it is above all an unsightly problem, it is important to eliminate blackheads and keep pores clean, since without good hygiene they can become infected and inflamed, causing acne pimples and pustules.

How To Remove Blackheads At Home

Removing blackheads is not an easy task, because even if we clean and remove that excess waste that accumulates in the pore, it remains open and takes time to close, making it easy to fill with sebum or dead cells and it clogs up again.

That is why we give you some tips on how to prevent its reappearance and what are the best ways to keep pores clean and free from the formation of black spots.

1. Balanced Diet

Another way to prevent blackheads from the start is to maintain a good diet. Many types of food promote the accumulation of fats and toxins in the body that must be eliminated through the skin so that an excess of sebum can end up forming blackheads or blackheads.

It is recommended to reduce the intake of foods that contain artificial fats, fried foods, red meat, or dairy. On the other hand, a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, or healthy fats such as bluefish helps maintain healthy skin and free of excess fats.

2. Do Not Remove With Fingers

While it may seem like the quick way to get rid of blackheads, it's the worst. Many people feel the urge to try to remove the blackheads with their fingers or tweezers, but this way you can damage your skin and leave a scar. Or worse yet, you can infect the pore.

If you want to remove blackheads manually, it is best to go to a specialist to have them removed with a specific come done extractor. In any case, this does not ensure that you are going to eliminate them completely, so it is necessary to follow other tips to prevent their appearance.

3. Daily Cleaning Routine

However, the most important thing to permanently eliminate blackheads will be to do a good daily face cleaning. Washing your face daily, even with just water, allows you to get rid of excess sebum and impurities. It will also be important to remove make-up every night before bed.

But if you want to maintain this cleanliness, it is best to follow a cleaning routine with products that help you clean the pores and facilitate them to close, such as the use of cleansing gels and tonics.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water daily is essential to maintain healthy and blemish-free skin. Although it is not a way to eliminate blackheads per se, drinking between 1 and a half or 2 liters of water daily helps to keep the skin hydrated and eliminate impurities from the face, thus preventing them from accumulating in the pores and ending up forming a plug.

5. Masks

There are also specific masks to clean black spots or that are effective in cleaning the pores. Masks containing clay are recommended, which act as a powerful exfoliant and cleaner for skin impurities.

6. Good Exfoliation

By maintaining good eating habits and good daily cleaning, you can prevent excess sebum and impurities. To remove existing blackheads, you can exfoliate your face to allow deep cleansing of clogged pores.

There are specific exfoliating gels for blackheads. For greater efficiency, perform a steam bath that reaches your face well, in order that the pores open well and facilitate cleaning.

The continued use of these gels once or twice a week also allows cleaning dead cells that can clog pores on a daily basis.

7. Home Remedies

If you want to eliminate blackheads with more homemade products, you can create your own homemade masks or creams that help you clean and exfoliate the pores.

One of the most widely used remedies is egg white, which can clean the pores and encourage them to seal to prevent clogging. To create this mask, simply beat an egg white together with a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture on your face and let it dry for about 10 minutes before removing it with warm water. You can repeat it once or twice a week.

Baking soda is another remedy used to remove blackheads and blackheads. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda together with a little water to form a paste. Apply to the area affected by black dots and allow to dry for about 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. It can also be repeated once or twice a week.

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